Ollie's Space


I'm so glad you've found your way to my little corner of the internet! This website is still very much a work in progress, but my plan is for it to be a way to consolidate all of my writings, projects, and personal nonsense to a single centralized place so that if [insert platform here] goes tits-up, I don't lose everything I've ever done.

Welcome in. Explore. Knock yourself out. Please note that that is a figure of speech and it would really suck for me if you knocked yourself unconscious while doing something.

- Ollie


Latest Blog post

Happy Birthday to Me

7 October 2023

I should probably feel bad that this is my first blog post on this site, but...I kind of don't. Mostly because I'm terrible about talking personal things about myself. Also because I seriously doubt anyone is actually reading this. See More

Latest Fiction

And If Thou Wilt, Forget: Chapter 9

Posted on 17 October 2024

The weather for the week was bitterly cold, but mostly clear. Once Gerry had a day to recover, they ventured out into the streets of Chicago to see the sights. Gerry had never done the tourist thing—even when he’d gone to Italy to get out of the country for a bit after getting out of prison, he’d been trying to avoid people and therefore hadn’t done much more than hide in out of the way cafés and bookstores, and most of the time when he traveled it was with a purpose. Tim, the veteran of dozens of family vacations and solo trips, was determined to give him the full experience, even if it did have the specter of the upcoming appointment looming over it. He didn’t exactly plan it down to the minute, but he had a few destinations in mind, and he was determined they would hit as many as they could. Continue

Latest Craft


Completed on 15 September 2024
A crocheted doll with tanned skin, black pigtails with rainbow filaments running through them, and black clothes that match her hair. She is standing next to a crocheted robot of the same yarn, rectangular with six spiderlike legs and a single red eye
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