Feet adapted from crochetspot/
Body adapted from graceandyarn
Special Stitches:
FPDC: YO, insert hook next to stitch and out other side, YO and draw around stitch ("post"), YO and complete dc.
INV DEC (sc): Insert hook through front loop of first st, insert hook through front loop of second st, YO and draw through both st, YO and complete sc.
Right Leg:
Ch 7.
R1: 3sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 4 ch, 3sc in next ch. Working along back side of ch, sc in next 4 ch, sl st in 1st sc (14 sc).
R2: Ch 1, [2sc in first 3 st, sc in next 4 st] twice, sl st in first sc (20 sc).
R3: Ch 1, sc in back loop of each st around, sl st in first sc (20 sc).
R4: Ch 1, sc in in each st around, sl st in first sc (20 sc).
R5: Ch 1, sc in first 11 st, inv dec 2 times, sc in next 5 st, sl st in first sc (18 sc).
R6: Ch 1, sc in first 9 st, inv dec 3 times, sc in next 3 st, sl st in first sc (15 sc).
R7-29: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (15 sc). Fasten off. Stuff leg.
Left Leg:
Ch 7.
R1: 3sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 4 ch, 3sc in next ch. Working along back side of ch, sc in next 4 ch, sl st in 1st sc (14 sc).
R2: Ch 1, [2sc in first 3 st, sc in next 4 st] twice, sl st in first sc (20 sc).
R3: Ch 1, sc in back loop of each st around, sl st in first sc (20 sc).
R4: Ch 1, sc in in each st around, sl st in first sc (20 sc).
R5: Ch 1, sc in first 5 st, inv dec 2 times, sc in next 11 st, sl st in first sc (18 sc).
R6: Ch 1, sc in first 3 st, inv dec 3 times, sc in next 9 st, sl st in first sc (15 sc).
R7-29: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (15 sc). Stuff leg.
*NOTE: Your first stitch should be at about the midway point of the inside part of the leg. If not, sl st to that point.
R30: Ch 4. Line legs up next to each other (toes may or may not turn slightly inward). Sc in matching st of right leg. Sc in each st around right leg, sc in each ch across, sc in each st around left leg, sc on other side of chain across, sl st in first sc (38 sc).
R31-40: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (38 sc).
R41: Ch 1, [sc in next 17 st, inv dec over next 2 st] twice, sl st in first sc (36 sc).
R42-48: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (36 sc).
R49: Ch 1, [sc in first 2 st, inv dec] 9 times around, sl st in first sc (27 sc).
R50-51: Ch 1, sc around, sl st in first sc (27 sc).
R52: Ch 1, [sc in first st, inv dec] 9 times around, sl st in first sc (18 sc).
R53-54: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (18 sc). Stuff body.
R55: Ch 1, [sc in first st, inv dec] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (12 sc).
R56: Ch 1, [sc in front loop of first st, 2sc in front loop of next st] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (18 sc).
R57: Ch 1, [sc in first 2 st, 2sc in next st] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (24 sc).
R58: Ch 1, [sc in first 3 st, 2sc in next st] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (30 sc).
R59: Ch 1, [sc in first 4 st, 2sc in next st] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (36 sc).
R60: Ch 1, [sc in first 5 st, 2sc in next st] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (42 sc).
R61: Ch 1, [sc in first 6 st, 2sc in next st] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (48 sc).
R62-64: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (48 sc).
R65: Ch 1, sc in first 10 st, puff st in next st, sc in next 37 st, sl st in first sc (47 sc, 1 puff stitch)
R66-70: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (48 sc).
Embroider, glue, paint, or sew face onto front of head. From this point on, stuff as you go.
R71: Ch 1, [sc in first 6 st, inv dec] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (42 st).
R72: Ch 1, [sc in first 5 st, inv dec] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (36 sc).
R73: Ch 1, [sc in first 4 st, inv dec] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (30 sc)
R74: Ch 1, [sc in first 3 st, inv dec] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (24 sc).
R75: Ch 1, [sc in first 2 st, inv dec] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (18 sc).
R76: Ch 1, [sc in first st, inv dec] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (12 sc).
Make sure head is fully stuffed.
R77: Ch 1, inv dec 6 times around (6 sc). Fasten off, sew closed, weave in ends.
Arms: Make 2.
R1: 5sc in magic circle, join.
R2: Ch 1, 2sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (10 sc).
R3: Ch 1, [sc in first st, 2sc in next st] 5 times around, sl st in first sc (15 sc).
R4-8: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (15 sc).
R9: Ch 1, [sc in first 2 st, inv dec] 3 times, sc in next 2 st, sl st in first sc (12 sc).
R10-25: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (12 sc).
Stuff each arm as desired (recommend no higher than R23). Fasten off, leaving long tail for sewing.
Position arms at row 50. Stitch onto body.